Wednesday Aug 05, 2020

066 - Anxiety & Self Sabotage

Join me and Ryan Christensen from as we uncover ways men create train wrecks out of life from anxiety & the self sabotage that follows. Our talking points include, but aren't limited to... - A lot of guys who are in this part of the web are looking for answers, and looking to change their lives. - A lot of these guys are struggling with anxiety, depression, and other self-sabotaging behaviors. - There's a lot of good material out there designed to get guys taking action: "Do The Work", how to overcome approach anxiety, etc. - Those mechanisms will generally work well for most guys who have previously had success, or who already have embraced being uncomfortable. - Other men struggle with higher levels of anxiety, have failed more often in the past. They're carrying a lot more baggage. - For men like that, "get over it" isn't effective advice. Most behavior or habit based methods require willpower for a time that they simply don't have due to a long history of things that have failed. - In other cases, there's a pattern of self sabotage - think of starting stuff and walking away, or deliberately choosing targets you can't hit ("I only go after 9s and 10s even though I'm a 3") - In both instances there's an unconscious pattern at work designed to keep them from harm in some manner - even if it's keeping them in a shitty place or keeping them from what they want consciously - In men that suffer from those issues, the unconscious mind is less open to change because it has a much more evidence of possible harm, and weights it much more highly - So unless they have constant support it's hard to make change. This could be in person coaching and in field support, therapy, etc. Online communities only help so much. - Hypnosis on the other hand works directly on that unconscious level, and bypass the critical factor. The critical factor is that filter between the conscious and unconscious mind that determines what the unconscious will accept as true. - Because of this, we can rapidly figure out where that anxiety or self sabotage originates, and what it's trying to do to help that person - Once that happens, we can create new solutions to those old problems that get them better results. - In addition, it's common to release a lot of built up trauma, anger, etc that's being carried around. That creates a lot more space and energy, so doing things becomes a LOT easier.

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